Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wait a Second....It's May?

How in the world is it May already? Ok, technically as I'm writing this it is still April 30th, but in the places that I will be visiting this summer, it's May. It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting at my computer about to book a vacation to Iceland when, as I went to click buy, my phone rang and I was offered a position as an RD on the summer Semester at Sea voyage. One of my best friends, who actually just got back from the spring voyage, was once told that even getting an interview for Semester at Sea is like getting an Oscar Nomination- it is a huge honor in this field when hundreds of people apply for each voyage and only 8 are selected.

If you've been reading these random posts, or if you've had the pleasure of spending 5 minutes with me, you know that I am a big planner. What I've learned from this Semester at Sea experience (and having over 6 months to plan for this adventure) is that if I ever get married, I should probably just elope. I do not need 6 months to sit and obsess and try to plan every little detail of something. Luckily, I've relaxed a little recently with SAS stuff, but since it's May, my craziness is probably going to pick up again. The other thing that might amaze people is that I don't have every minute of every day in port planned out........yet :)

We've been having conference calls as a student life staff about every two weeks since March and it has been incredible to get to know people just over a phone call and already seeing amazing personalities appear. It has also been nice to learn that I'm not the only crazy planner and that the team both appreciates and enjoys teasing me about being such a planner. I went into planning a few independent trips on my own and for two of them, I've managed to find travel partners already in other staff members. It is nice to not be the only one going through this experience and knowing that when I have moments when I just need to get away or am homesick, that I will have people that understand what I'm going through that I can turn to. On our last call, several staff mentioned that they are starting to become overwhelmed with getting ready for the trip. I think I'm the opposite right now. I'm at a great place getting ready for the trip, but I'm overwhelmed with trying to make sure that everything I need to get done here gets done. I know that everything is going to fall into place though, so I just need to remember to breathe.

But seriously, how is it May? I pretty much have a month left before I leave for London. My guess is that this month will either fly by, or it will go so incredibly slow. Either way, at the end of this month is an adventure :)

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