Sunday, June 9, 2013

Final Countdown

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have officially begun the final countdown. My
bags are packed and I only have a couple things left to do before
leaving Pensacola. By the time I finish writing this post, I will have
less than 48 hours before my first flight leaves Pensacola, heads to
Atlanta, and this crazy journey begins. I've known that I was going to
be part of this voyage since November, but I think it honestly just hit
me last night. I'm leaving for two and a half months. 72 days. And even
though I've somewhat gotten to know the student life team, I'm doing
this all by myself spending the summer turning strangers into family.

There are several people that I have to thank before I leave for the
journey, and who I'll probably continue to thank for the rest of my life
for helping me through this experience. First I have to thank my
parents. They have supported my sister and I so much throughout our
lives. They've encouraged us to follow our dreams and become strong,
independent women. They've sacrificed so much so that Lauren and I can
see more of the world and have more opportunities than they ever did. So
if you see my parents, let them know how amazing they are and give them
a hug from me :) The next two people I have to thank are Christy and
Stacey. For those of you who don't know, Christy and Stacey will be my
supervisors this summer and have already done an amazing job putting our
team together, answering all our crazy questions, and getting us ready
for this voyage. After just one phone interview, Christy and Stacey saw
something in me that they wanted to have as a part of their team and
without them, I wouldn't be going on this amazing adventure. I'm looking
forward to working with both of them throughout the voyage and
learning/growing as a professional because of them. My biggest thank you
has to go to Brad and Dr. Ruth who are my supervisors here at UWF. I
have to thank Brad for being such a supportive and encouraging
supervisor, who when I wasn't going to do the phone interview for
Semester at Sea because I had just taken the job at UWF, knew how much
this experience would mean to me and told me I had to do the interview.
If he hadn't done that, I wouldn't have been offered a position. When I
got the job, Dr. Ruth and Brad kept me on the edge of my seat for a
little bit while they discussed and made a decision as to whether or not
I would be able to take time off to go on the voyage. I have been so
blessed to work in a great department that is so supportive and sees
this as a professional development opportunity that will help me in my
position here at UWF. I can't wait to come back to UWF and share
everything I've learned with my co-workers (who also deserve a huge
thank you and hug for picking up some extra work this summer while I'm
out). My last thank you is for one of my best friends, Nicole. Nicole
just got back from the spring voyage and has been full of so much help
and advice. I had originally applied for that voyage as well, but pulled
out because I didn't want to leave in the middle of an academic year if
I had gotten it. I've loved hearing all of Nicole's stories and because
of her I'm more confident and prepared for this voyage. On a crazy side
not, I'm actually staying in the exact same cabin that Nicole did when
she was on the ship!

So one of the big things people have been asking me is how they can get
in touch with me this summer, so I figured I should let you all know!
Internet is very limited on the ship, so I'll try to update facebook as
much as possible, but that really won't be the best way to get in touch
with me. My cell phone will be deactivated, so no texting but I will be
using it for wifi in port and have set up Skype. Email on the ship is
unlimited, so you can email me as much as you want! And email will
probably be how I update my blog and twitter (this post is actually a
practice post as I'm doing it through my email right now). So here is
what you need to know:


Skype Username: lstuart722

Skype Phone Number (you can leave me voicemails and I'll get them when I
am off the ship in wifi): 865 223 5356

If you happen to want to send me a card or letter (no packages please),
here is the link to the SAS page with all of the port addresses. Just
know you should send stuff about 2 weeks before I'm planned to arrive in
port to make sure I get it! Scroll down to the bottom of the page to get
the addresses :)

So my bags are all packed, ready to go and we have officially hit the
under 48 hour mark. Next post will be from Europe!

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