Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Rolling Seas

Tonight is the first night where I've really felt as though we are on a
ship. We spent more than an entire day at anchor off the isle of white
before we really headed out into the sea this morning around 6am. The
ship has been very rocky tonight and for the first time, I feel a little
sea sick right now. I'm hoping all my students are doing ok, but it
looks like we might be in for a pretty rocky night of sleep.

Today was the first day of classes for all of the students. It is so
interesting to see how the ship turns spaces into working classrooms and
crazy to see over 500 students wandering around the ship with their
backpacks going to class or sitting out in the public areas studying and
doing homework. This truly is a floating academical village. I've been
able to check in with quite a few of my residents and most of them seem
to have enjoyed their first day of classes. A couple switched classes,
but overall they are excited and a little overwhelmed about all the work
they have to do for the semester. We have some pretty amazing professors
on the ship and I'm hoping to be able to sit in some of the larger
lectures throughout the course of the voyage so I can see the amazing
professors in action.

We had our first large event last night the Activities Fair. This is an
opportunity for students to sign up for different clubs and
organizations or make their own. The event was a huge success, but was a
little stressful to put together just because there was so much to do in
such a little amount of time. Our Dean Stacey best describes this
experience as being Res Life on crack. Everything is so much more
intensified and moves at such a quicker pace because we have such a
short amount of time with our residents. I was in the B.Y.O.C. room for
the event which meant "Bring Your Own Club" it was super popular and we
actually have more clubs than we have space for, but that is a great
problem to have as it means more students can get involved! I'll be
advising a few groups including the photography club and the
international student association. Tomorrow night we have another large
event, our first community event, which Tiffany and I (along with our
student workers) are in charge of. We are playing a huge game of mingle
(but calling it sponges) and the winner gets to be the first person off
the ship in Casablanca which we think is pretty darn cool. Then after
the game we are having a dance. Hopefully it doesn't get too crazy.

Tonight we also had our first beverage service night. All evenings when
we are at sea students are able to get two drinks with dinner (either
beer or wine). Every other night, students get an additional beverage
service from two hours from 9pm-11pm where they are able to get three
additional nights. Tonight was the first night of extra beverage service
and during that the RDs have to go and act like hall monitors to make
sure that students are being safe, responsible, and not sharing their
drinks. It actually went really well and not as many students showed up
as I thought would, but what was awful is how cold it is on the ship
during this. The event is held on the 7th deck by the swimming pool, so
outside and us poor RDs have to stand outside in the cold for two and a
half hours watching the students drink. Next time we have one, I'm
wearing like twenty layers of clothing.

My favorite thing so far has been the connections that I have been
making with my students. I know about 60-70% of their names right now
(its really hard!! RAs, I feel for you now) and my goal is to have them
all down by the time we get to Casablanca. They are an amazing group of
students who are a lot of fun, which means that may lead to some
challenging situations throughout the voyage. I'm really excited to
continue to be part of their community and get to know them. I've also
spent most of my evenings in the faculty/staff lounge connecting with
others on the voyage, which is great, but also not very good for my
liver or for my pocketbook.

I find out tomorrow if I am leading any field programs, so I am really
excited about that! I'm hoping the seas calms down soon because this is
rough. Only a few more days and we will be in Casablanca where I promise
to post some pictures!!

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