Thursday, March 26, 2015

All Our Bags Are Packed….

…We're ready to go….well almost :)

There are only a few more items to pack and a couple tasks left to do before we hit the ground running and begin our journey to Scotland. I think we are both in the surreal is this really happening stage right now so we are pretty mellow and having a normal night in which means me on the computer and Mike playing a video game. If you can't tell, we lead very exciting lives when we aren't traveling :)

I thought it might be fun to do a little pre trip "interview" with Mike. He has no clue I'm about to do this with him as he is currently looking up "how to beat the stupid pig" on the video game he is playing…but this should be fun and you all can hear what we are looking forward to for our trip!

Question #1: What are you most excited about?

M: Experiencing a new culture and being that Lynsey is from Scotland I am excited to see the "real" Scotland and not just have a touristy experience.

L: Getting to see Mike experience Scotland for the first time :) And watching him as he tries to figure out what people are saying to him because I bet he doesn't understand half of what they will say to him…especially the Stuarts on Day 2

Question #2: What are you nervous about?

M: Journey getting there because I've never gone through customs or anything like that. Making sure that since the passport is new that everything is fine with that **sidenote from Lynsey…for the past week Mike has been asking questions about the journey…the funniest one was what do you do on a plane for 9 hours…he didn't realize they showed movies and fed you and that really you should just sleep**

L: Mike on the plane. I'm pretty sure he is going to drive me nuts and keep me awake the whole time. Oh and leaving Charlie, but he is in good hands!

Question #3: Who are you most excited to meet?

M: Demi! But really, all of the Stuarts because it will give me a better understanding of Lynsey's dad

L: I can't wait for Mike to meet the Stuart clan. They are amazing, but I'm also so excited for him to spend time for the Cuthbertsons because they are just crazy fun.

Question #4: What food do you want to try/eat the most?

M: What's the intestine thing? Haggis?

L: If you know me you should know the answer to this. Two things. Potato Scones & Pickled Onion Monster Munch….but I'm really excited about all the meals we have booked and getting a Deep Fried Mars Bar in Edinburgh

Question #5: What place are you most excited to visit?

M: One place? This is a difficult question. I mean it will be really neat to see Loch Ness but at the same time I am really looking forward to going to Culzean Castle because that is something that is special to Lynsey. Personally I'm really excited about the Loch Ness stuff, but for us I'm excited for Culzean.

L: Oban. I've never been there before and it is one of my mum's favorite places so I can't wait to see it for the first time and get to eat delicious seafood there!

Question #6: What is the one thing you have to do before you leave Scotland?

M: Tough question too because there is so much. I don't know if there is a have to. I want to see the Statue with the Cone on it and if I can assist with putting the cone on the statue I would like to do that

L: Make sure Mike has the best time ever :)

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