Tuesday, April 7, 2015

End of an Adventure...and the Beginning of New Adventures!

Mike just texted me and asked if I would be blogging today because he enjoys reading what I write, so at least one person out there reads these and likes them! I've been putting this one off for multiple reasons but the main one is that by writing this I have to officially admit that our Scottish adventure is over. I mean clearly with me being back in Pensacola and heading back to work of course the adventure is over, but without finish this blog I could still live in my fantasy land of the trip still happening, right?

When I last left you all we had finished our time in Edinburgh and were getting ready to head to the southwest coast of Scotland to the area where I lived and grew up in when I was in Scotland. I saved this till the end for many reasons but mostly because I wanted Mike to be fully adjusted to Scotland, the culture, and most importantly the accent before he got thrown in with my Scottish family down in Maybole. Plus, it left my very place in Scotland for our last day and that was something really special to me that I couldn't wait to show him :)

We took the train from Edinburgh down to Maybole in the early afternoon Friday and got to basically travel directly across the country. I absolutely love train rides because you get to see so much of the countryside while just sitting back and relaxing. We had one quick train change in Ayr and then we arrived in Maybole greeted by one of my favorite families of times, who are essentially family to me- the Cuthbertsons. Auntie Deirdre and my mum were best friends when they lived in Maybole and so for my whole life I have seen Deirdre and her family as my mum's side of the family and this became even more apparent last year after my gran died. No matter how much time has passed since you have seen one another, the Cuthbertsons are one of those families where you pick up like it was just yesterday that you talked last. They adopted Mike into the family right away making sure that he felt welcomed and included in everything that we did.

Our first adventure of the night was going over to Eilidh and Paul's house for Corey's first birthday party. There was a mix of family members and friends at the party and Mike really got to experience Scottish families and culture first hand. He did an amazing job being thrown into a situation where he didn't really know people and sometimes wasn't able to understand them either. He was a great sport and we ended up having a lot of fun. It was nice for him to see a different side of Scottish people and how we live within our communities. I personally couldn't believe how big Corey had gotten from the last time I saw him in July. After the party we headed back to the house for Chinese for dinner. Mike was a little overwhelmed by the Chinese take out menu because nothing was really the same as back home. He ended up settling on sweet and sour chicken since that he did at least recognize and knew what it was :) The rest of the night was filled with a few drinks and sharing stories about "back in the day" and what is going on now in everyone's life.

Saturday was our big day. It started with a traditional Scottish fry up which made Mike really happy because I think he had missed his traditional Scottish breakfast while we were in Edinburgh. My stomach decided that Saturday morning would be a great time to start acting up which was awesome since I was so looking forward to taking Mike to my favorite place in the world. After running over to the new church (which is a great community center for Maybole to have now) we headed over to Culzean Castle aka my favorite place ever. Culzean Castle and Country Park is only about 10 minutes from Maybole so when I was little we frequently visited the castle and it became one of the most important places in Scotland to me. If I had all the money in the world I would get married there but I don't have that so oh well :)

We arrived at the castle and wandered the country park looking at the deer for a little while before heading over the Castle. We spent some time looking at the view (Cuzlean is built on a cliff overlooking the sea) which was stunning as always. Then Mike and I left the Cuthbertsons to go in and tour the castle. Even though Culzean is not very old in comparison to a lot of the other Scottish castles we have visited this trip it is still stunning. We took several pictures and were able to enjoy all of the rooms and see more views from the castle. Then the biggest thing of the trip happened.

We were in what I believe was the Lady Ailsa's dressing room which has a crib that is shaped like a boat that the shipbuilders from Ailsa Craig made for the lady back in the 18th or 19th century and I was explaining to Mike how I remember that bed being in the castle from when I was little. This was a small room and no one else was in there and the next thing I know, Mike is down on one knee with a box with a gorgeous ring in it asking if I would marry him. Clearly if you have been on facebook you know that I said yes :) I think he was really nervous because there was no lavish speech but that doesn't matter because he asked me the most important question I have ever been asked and made me the happiest girl in the world :) We finished our tour of the castle and then made the decision to purchase a set of Burns Crystal wine glasses as a commemorative item to celebrate the fact that we got engaged at the castle.

When we came out of the castle we were greeted by the entire Cuthbertson clan (all 8 of them) who were all in on the whole proposal and were so excited for Mike and I. I really can't put in to words how special it was to have them there with us to celebrate this moment. They made us reenact the proposal so they could take pictures and then Deirdre popped champagne for all of us to have as a little toast. It was an amazing moment and Mike did a great job planning everything (with the help of Lauren who would get mad if I did not mention that she helped).

We spend the rest of the day with the Cuthbertsons before heading back to Glasgow to stay at a hotel by the airport before we headed back home. I'm really glad we got to have the time in Maybole that we did because it is somewhere that means a lot to me and I think it really helped Mike understand where I am from and the importance of Scotland and my Scottish family to him.

We really did have the best week together. When things didn't go as planned it was ok and we went with it. I loved seeing Mike experiencing Scotland and getting to hear him talk to me about him impressions and what he enjoyed the most. Maybe I will do a post trip interview with him at some point for you all :)

Until our next adventure...xoxo 

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